Life Quotes Archive

Top 128 Beautiful Good Morning Quotes

“Today will be a good day. So wake up and smile” “Set a goal that make you want to jump out of bed in the morning.” “I opened two gifts this morning. They were my eyes.” “Life

Best 50 Anniversary Quotes For Her

No matter for how many years you have been together for, your Anniversary will always remain a special and memorable event of your life. So Anniversary Quotes for Him or Her can help you both celebrate your

Top 40 World Oceans Day Quotes and Wishes

World Oceans Day is one of the most important days of celebration because two-third of our planet Earth is covered with water. This day must be celebrated to spread awareness and give recognition to it for creating

Best 50 Inspirational Monday Quotes with Images

Monday a day in a week which seems to be painful to some people who used to work throughout the whole week. Inspirational Monday Quotes When they listen to the word Monday their moods eventually goes off. We

Best 50 Leap Year Quotes and Sayings 2020

Leap Year This Monday February 29 is a leap day, the rarity of the calendar that occurs (almost) every four years. For centuries, trying to synchronize calendars with the duration of the calendar year caused confusion, until

Best 45 Motivational Wednesday Quotes For Work

Wednesday Quotes Wednesday is a beautiful day. through out the weekend Wednesday is most beautiful and awesome day. but remember that it is a working day all offices and school and colleges are on this day but

99 Quotes about Self Confidence and Beauty, Love Yourself, And Self-Worth Quotes

Self-confidence is one of the most significant attributes that determine your life and personality. So these Quotes about Self Confidence and Beauty inspire you to develop self-confidence and see the beauty of your life by seeing the

60 Cute Your Smile Quotes and Sayings For Her

“A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.” – Marilyn Monroe   “Your smile is the prettiest thing you’ll ever wear.”   “Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to

Best 40 Quotes On Letting Go And Moving On

Moving On Quotes There comes a lot of times in our lives when we have to let go of certain things, goals, and people and move on. Though such situations become quite hard to tackle, by reading